Wednesday, December 11, 2013


actually,thank you everyone for the wishes get well soon and prayers..!!! i really appreciate each and everyone of them..!!!! may Allah bless us all.. inshaaAllah...! Hugs..!!!!

thanks to my family and friends because always be by my side... esp thanks to my junior (adik anis & nana)...!!! hehehe..

How sweet both of junior...!!! thanks for your pray and your sweet letter..!! i Miss you all so bad..!!

"pabila peah dan kiah rindu kat Che'ta mereka.. get well soon che'ta! muah! 

#bestfriends #sisters #collegestudent #clique #getwellsoon"

when Allah test you it is never to destroy you..
whenever he removes something from your possession,
it is only to empty your hands for an even better gift.

All is well.. relax everything will be okay.. remind that to yourself...

apabila den terpaksa membalas surat junior yang minggu lepas... ini lah kad Nya yang terpaksa den buat..... so den plih tarikh 11.12.13 untuk diaorang.... HAHAHA... goodluckkk adik anis & nana!! muahhhhhh!!!.... ‪

#‎adikanisdannana‬ ‪#‎mylittlesister‬ ‪#‎goodluck‬ #seniorandjunior ‪#‎cardfromipad‬ ‪#‎cardpalingmahaluntukkorgberdua‬ ‪#‎tiadatandingan‬ ‪#‎tiadadipasaran‬ ‪#‎hahahahaha‬